Question I Never Got To Ask

From the hallway,
I am hidden
 I watch my father lay in the stillness
Eyes open,
He is somewhere farther away than I have ever been

He is fixed upon the tree limbs 
against the grey sky
and I am fixed upon his expression 
and all those secrects that he does not tell

I watch quiety,
 trying desperatly to understand

To read meaning in each line of his tired face

Searching for answers to questions
that have not yet formed
 and I do not know how to ask

With a gulp,
I swallow them down
leaveing these question in the hall 
and my father behind
to the dying winter light


M said…
This is excellent. The tenderness is heart-wrenching, and it really fits the subject. One of my favorite parts, near the middle, is where it goes: “I watch quietly, / trying desperately to understand....." I think this is among your best poems.
BT said…
Thank you again, MWB, I had scribbled down a few lines a while back, not sure what to do with them and wanted to try and make them into something. Your support and critics have been of much help. Hearts and Ponies